Otakar Kraus Music Trust

Become a Friend of OKMT

Our ‘Friends of OKMT’ scheme gives you the chance to become part of the OKMT family, making a real difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable and isolated children and adults in our community.

Regular donations are the best way to help us reach people who have a disability or long-term health condition or who are experiencing loneliness or mental health challenges. Music brings positivity, a chance to share and bond and a vital outlet to express one’s feelings.

You can join ‘Friends of OKMT’ by

  1. Setting up a Direct Debit of a suggested £10 per month or
  2. Making an annual donation of a suggested £100.
  3. Making a donation of £500 or above

A direct debit of £10 a month will help pay for a child with a disability to attend an OK Music School lesson and learn to play an instrument and perform in public.

A direct debit of £20 a month will help us provide music therapy sessions for a child who has faced trauma to help reduce their anxiety

£100 annual donation will provide a group music therapy session for elderly people allowing them to bond with other and share memories.

A £500 donation will allow us to run 4 music therapy groups for people with neurological conditions, to help improve their vocal abililty, mobility and mental well-being.

  • In return you will receive a biannual newsletter showing how your money has been spent
  • You will receive invitations to OKMT concerts and special events
  • With your consent, we will list your name to thank you on our website.
  • You will receive a Friends of OKMT keyring!

Most importantly you will be helping hundreds of children and adults who are often excluded  to gain confidence, express themselves, feel joy and lead more fulfulling lives as part of our local community.

Thank you!!


Make A Difference

K has Coctical Focal Dysplasia which means she has absence seizures. She has some learning challenges and her concentration is affected. K is learning to play the piano at OK Music School and plays songs from memory, helping her remember things. Her speech has also greatly improved. She has fallen in love with music and now has so much confidence, passion and pride. Her parents said:

“If we had known the difference music can make on her concentration, speech and behaviour, we would have started the day she was diagnosed”

Please support more children like K to find their voice and reach their potential by joining our Friends of OKMT scheme. Thank you!

Friends of OKMT

  • Lord Lee of Trafford – Ambassador for Friends of OKMT
  • Dr Margaret Lobo (Patron)
  • Councillor Nancy Baldwin (Patron)
  • Sir John Tomlinson (Patron)
  • Ronald Miao (Chair)
  • Cheryl Valland
  • Paul Jarman
  • Kathryn Howells
  • Grenville Corke
  • Valerie Roy
  • Eva Peters
  • John Grosse
  • Remo Grasso
  • Jill Clark
  • Hilary Emmett
  • Elizabeth Shalliker
  • Joe Pillman
  • Hugh Rogers
  • Rob Wood
  • Cherry Wood
  • James Maun
  • Alan and Lisette Simcock
  • Gemma Le Marquer
  • Daniel Angel
  • Maurice Parry-Wingfield




individual and group sessions provided


Children and Young people with disabilities learning to play an instrument

